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This wiki is readable by and intended for the general public, but the list of editors (authors) is restricted. The help information here is intended for those editors.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software. Many people find basic usage to be fairly intuitive, and the User's Guide, when necessary, is well written and accessible. Perhaps the most useful part of the User's Guide is the comprehensive list of wikitext examples.

General Editing

  • While anyone can read the wiki, you must log in to edit. Click the "Log in" button on the upper right. Only select individuals have editing privileges.
  • To edit a page, click the "Edit" tab near the top of the page. You'll be shown the "wikitext markup" for the page, which you can then edit right in the web browser. Type away!
  • "Markup" is mostly just the typed up plain body text, with a few special key sequences which call out parts of the text to be typeset in a different way, e.g, in italics, boldface, section and subsection headings, numbered or bulleted lists, and links to pages elsewhere in the wiki or outside the wiki on the web. The easiest way to learn the markup is to find a page with an effect you'd like to copy, and then using the "Edit" tab to examine that page's markup, using it as an example/template.
  • I could list a bunch of useful wikitext examples at this point, but the nice people at Wikimedia have already done that for us:

Additional Help

If you have trouble finding your "how to" answer in the User's Guide, here are a few more places to check: