Adaptation Strategies

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This page will list a selection of adapation stratgies focussing on the problem of sea level rise and possibly other climate change issues. Sea level rise adaptation measures are generally classified in to four categories:

Do nothing
not really a strategy, but must be studied as an option for comparing the relative cost of other strategies.
shielding land uses from sea level rise impacts. Typically, but not exclusively, this involves engineering solutions such as sea walls, breakwaters, sacrifical dunes, or beach nourishment.
adjusting land uses to enable living with sea level rise impacts. Examples include floodproofing or raising existing structures, stormwater improvements, and building code changes.
relocating land uses away from sea level rise impacts. "Retreat" is a jargon term whose definition is somewhat different from its everyday meaning, which many people interpret as meaning a forced evacuation or abandonment of property. Because of this common confusion in communicating about sea level rise adaptation, some experts prefer to use a different word than "retreat" here, but "retreat" nevertheless remains the standard terminology. Examples of retreat include public acquisition of undeveloped land, zoning changes, property buy-back grants, and conservation easements.

Until this page is more fully developed, the Coastal Wiki is a good reference which is maintained by experts.

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